New version of Joomla released


The Joomla! Project and Community is excited and proud to announce the immediate availability of Joomla! CMS 3.2.0 Stable.

With literally dozens of new features including:

Content version control
Many user interface improvements
Easy multi-lingual setup for 64 officially supported languages
Built-in Joomla! Extensions Finder as an onsite interface to the Joomla! Extensions Directory (that currently lists over 4000 extensions) providing one-click extensions installation
Increased security with strong passwords and two step authentication
New rapid development framework for new extension coding

Joomla 3.2 is truly a Something New for Everyone release. These exciting new features are highlighted and explained in a series of short video preview tutorials: Joomla! 3.2 Video Tutorials.

A huge THANK YOU to all contributors towards what is Joomla’s largest release ever in terms of new features and community participation. Since the release of 3.1.5, over 1085 commits have been made to the code base with 50 different people contributing to commits (not including testers and other non-coding activities). And best of all is that the new features are awesome!

Joomla 3.2 is a standard-term support release and is a one-click upgrade (not a migration) from previous Joomla 2.5 and 3 series releases.
