Payment Options

Payment Options

Accepted Payment Methods

  • Online Credit or Debit Cards: We accept Visa and MasterCard credit card purchases. All transactions are conducted within our secure SSL payment services.
  • Paypal – one of the safest online payment providers,  enables any individual or business with an email address to securely, easily and quickly send and receive payments online. PayPal’s service builds on the existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards and utilizes the world’s most advanced proprietary fraud prevention systems to create a safe, global, real-time payment solution. (You DO NOT need to register for a PayPal account while paying for our web hosting packages online using your Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit card.)
    Please make PayPal Payments to [email protected]
  • Automatic payments through a credit card can be set up via the customer control panel.

Information & Payment Security

We take the security of your information and card details very seriously, so we employ the following security measures:

  • High-grade Encryption 256bit SSL Encrypted Control Panel: We provide Customer Level and Domain Name Level control panels with username and password authenticated entry. The encryption used ensures that the information you enter whilst within our system can not be overlooked by third parties, as the encryption key is negotiated between your browser and our server at the initial connection stage, i.e. when you see the login page.
  • Strong Passwords: We make no apologies for the fact that we enforce the use of strong passwords. This means that your passwords have to contain a certain number of a combination of letters and numbers, with the added requirement of a special non-letter/number character, which makes your password more difficult to break
  • Customer Order Details Verification: We operate a number of automatic checks to confirm the identity of a new customer matches the details provided by their payment method. In situations where our system highlights differences in this information, then manual checks are conducted to ascertain the identity of the customer and to ensure that they are authorised to utilise the payment method and details they have provided. In situations where this is not possible, additional proof may be requested from the client before an order will be processed or if no additional proof is rendered after a request, the order could be suspended or deleted. This procedure is to prevent the unauthorised or fraudulant use of credit/debit cards.