Adding Web24 to your Email whitelist

Web24 sends emails to notify our customers of,  changes to Web24 services, payment invoices, reminders, etc.

Email services can block emails in order to protect you from unwanted or malicious emails such as phishing, scams and spam.  In this case, if your email service or client is blocking Web24 emails such [email protected]

Please do the necessary to white list Web24 email accounts to ensure you receive customer notifications.


  1. Navigate to gmail Spam folder
  2. Search for “Web24
  3. Select the emails containing Web24 accounts
  4. Click More
  5. Click Not spam

Yahoo Mail

  1. Check your Yahoo! Bulk folder
  2. Search for “Web24
  3. Highlight email
  4. Click Not Spam 


  1. Navigate to spam folder or email that was sent from a Web24 account
  2. Click Home
  3. Click Junk
  4. Click Never Block Sender 

Mac OS X Mail

  1. Select Mail | Preferences from the menu in Mac OS X Mail
  2. Go to Junk Mail 
  3. Make sure Web24 is in my Contacts / Address Book is checked under The following types of messages are exempt from junk mail filtering

