Firewall and Port settings for cPanel

This tutorial will show you how to configure firewall and port settings for cPanel

If you are having trouble accessing cPanel, emails, ftp, etc, you may be having firewall port forwarding issues as certain ports need to be activated for these services to work.

The following ports are used by your cPanel Web Hosting account and need to be opened on your firewall:

  • CPanel: 2082 or 2083(SSL)
  • CPanel Webmail: 2095 or 2096(SSL)
  • WHM: 2086 or 2087(SSL)
  • FTP: 21
  • SMTP: 25
  • SMTP SSL: 465
  • POP: 110
  • POP SSL: 995
  • HTTP SSL: 443

Most software firewalls will prompt you when you first try and access these ports so you just need to click allow. However, some more advanced software firewalls and most hardware firewalls(usually built into your router/modem) do not offer these prompts prompt. In this case you need to manually open these ports as per the applications/routers instruction manual.
