Install your own local development environment

This tutorial will show you how to install your own local development environment

If you are a web developer building PHP/MySQL powered sites, the ultimate scenario is to test your applications before uploading them to the main web hosting server. A lot of developers set up test accounts on live web servers, however this means you always need to be connected to the web to test them. But there is another way using one of two ingenious applications that make setting up your own Apache/MySQL/PHP an absolute breeze.

If you are a windows based developer, Wampserver is a package that will easily install Apache/MySQL/PHP onto either Windows XP or Vista. The base configuration is pretty much an automated process so there are very little changes you need to make. However, you might want to enable SMTP so you can test email sending and maybe install a few additional PHP components like IonCube decoder.

If you are a Mac based developer you have access to the same easy installation of Apache/MySQL/PHP via MAMP.

Both of these installation applications are free.
