Installing Joomla Templates

This tutorial will show you the steps for installing Joomla templates

After installing Joomla using Fantastico Deluxe in your cPanel, the first thing you will probably want to do is change the look your new Joomla CMS (Content Management System). Fortunately, this is a simple job, thanks to Joomla’s template manager in the administration area of your new Joomla site.

Installing Joomla TemplatesTo view our Joomla demo site with a custom template installed, please click on the thumbnail to the right. The site also includes other customizations made by our development team including Slimbox which is a clone of the popular Javascript Lightbox JS 2.0. It is a great way to show off images and create impromptu photo galleries withing page content.

First thing we need to do is acquire a new Joomla template. The easiest way to find Joomla templates, is to do a search on Google. As Joomla is an open source application there are thousands of free templates available, there are also many commercial templates available that can be purchased at moderate prices. The image below shows the standard template from a default install.

Installing Joomla Templates

Once you have downloaded your new Joomla template, usually in .zip format, you need to login to the admin area of your Joomla site. Simply enter into a browser and enter your admin username and password at the prompt. Having entered the admin area we can now install our new Joomla template by usning the menu Site > Template Manageer > Site Templates

Installing Joomla Templates

The template manager shows a list of installed templates and which template is being used currently, it is marked as ‘Default’. Select the ‘New’ button to upload your new template.

Installing Joomla Templates

Browse for the template file you wish to upload, then select ‘Upload File and install’

Installing Joomla Templates

Once the template has uploaded and installed you will see a page informing you that the template was successfully uploaded. It will also show a thumbnail of the templae along with some information about the template.

Installing Joomla Templates

Now that the the new template has been installed we need to set it as the default template. Select the template from the list the click the ‘Default’ button.

Installing Joomla Templates

Your new template is now set as the default template for your Joomla site. Log out of the admin area and take a look at your site using the new template.

Joomla! is the perfect Content Management System for managing and developing your website with one of AUSWEB’s cPanel Hosting plans.
