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Manage modules in Drupal

This tutorial will show you how to manage modules in Drupal

Drupal Modules are like add-ons or plugins that are created by the growing Drupal community. In this tutorial, we’ll teach you how to install, update and delete them.

This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal

1) Click the Administer link


Now let’s learn how to manage modules

Modules are plugins that extend Drupal’s core functionality. You can add modules for blogs, search, comments, contact forms, forums, and more

2) Then click the Modules link here


This is the Modules main page


3) Let’s use the Search module… select it here


4) Then click Save configuration

That’s it! The Search module has has been activated, as we can see here


We can return to this page at any time to activate, deactivate, or uninstall modules

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage modules in Drupal
