A Web.com Partner

Terminating your subscription

If you no longer wish to continue with a service at Web24, a termination request needs to be received. There are 2 options of doing this.

Option 1: Place a termination request via the Web24 Customer Portal at least 2 business days before the end of the paid period.

  1. Log into the Web24 Customer Portal
  2. Click on the Accounts Tab
  3. Click Subscriptions in the bottom left corner
  4. Click on the subscription you wish to terminate
  5. There will be a list of green arrows on the right hand side
  6. Click Request Subscription Termination. Enter in the termination date and reason for terminating and click save.

Option 2: Send an email to [email protected] at least 5 business days before the end of the paid period requesting termination. Stating the Account ID and subscription ID.


Cancelling an order or changing the status of the subscription does not place a termination request.
