Upgrade phpBB2 to phpBB3

This tutorial will show you how to upgrade phpBB2 to phpBB3

Finally, after a long wait, phpBB3 has been released, and its relatively easy to upgrade your existing phpBB installation. phpBB3 introduces hundreds of new features and fixes, a completely new look and a flexible MOD system. This tutorial will show you how to upgrade your phpBB2 board, step by step.

First of all, you will need to install a copy of phpBB3. A tutorial on how to do this can be found here:


It is also very important to backup your existing phpBB2 database.

If you have a particularly large database to convert, it is recommended that you perform the conversion on your computer, due to the conversion being a server intensive process. Instructions on how to do this are beyond the scope of this article. If you choose to perform the conversion online in a shared hosting environment, it is recommended that you perform the conversion late at night, so that server load is as low as possible.

Once you reach the end of the installation tutorial, do not delete the /install directory and login. Instead, click on the “proceed on to the converter” link. You will now be presented with the following screen:

Now click on the “Convert” link. You will be presented with the “Settings” page:

Fill out the form as follows:

phpBB3 is a widely supported and highly customizable online bulletin board script, perfect for building an online community with your Web24 Hosting
